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Los Gatos Saratoga Union High School District Narcan Training Feb. 27, 28, 2024
For the Los Gatos/Saratoga Joint Union School District's Narcan Training Session, the district nurse and Saratoga High School assistant principal asked our founder, Ryan Lin, to prepare a poster explaining the value of naloxone training for students. With two posters prepared, one for each school in the district, our team promoted the training event towards helping the district realize its ambition of having the entire student population informed on the proper use of this overdose-reversing medication. Our team's collaboration and high-level performance not only led to a successful event, with triple the number of students who RSVPed attending, but laid the foundation for our district meeting its goal of 100% student training. The Mercury News covered the event, promoting drug use prevention and education, and stimulating other schools to do the same. We're thankful for the opportunity to contribute to this essential information and training campaign.
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