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2024 March National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week

Peter Chen, Recovering Addict, Delivers "My Testimony" Talk with Q&A

For National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week, we invited Peter Chen, from Valley Christian High School Administration, to share his recovery journey. During his initial address, which he titled "My Testimony," Peter spoke to the members of Saratoga High School Chinese Club about his eight-year battle with addiction, as well as his recovery experiences. Peter shared both about his addiction treatment at the Gospel Drug Rehab Center (San Jose) and the personal and professional developments that followed his recovery: the completion of his college degree, his thriving marriage, and his work supporting others in their own recovery journeys. Throughout his talk, Peter discussed his experiences of homelessness and encouraged our members to keep making efforts to support their peers, and their communities, in the hard but worthwhile effort to overcome identity crises and achieve personal transformation. 

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